Meridian 59 User's Guide

The Spells Menu

This command lists the five magic schools, and the spells within each that you have mastered. Click here to learn more about the Temples and their associated Magic schools.

The Actions Menu

This menu offers several important game functions, including conversations groups, keyboard command aliases, and guilds.

Who is logged on

Select this to see who is currently logged into your server. This is really helpful if you're trying to find a friend, or avoid an enemy. (You can also get this information by typing Who at the text line, and pressing Enter.)

Ignoring Someone

You can also use this list to ignore people you find annoying. Ignored messages include any messages from the specified person that are sent with the say, tell, broadcast, or emote commands.
  • To ignore one person, simply click on the person's name. The name reverses to black, and you won't get any more messages from them.

  • If you really want to be alone, click Ignore Everyone!

  • Select Ignore Broadcasts if you don't want to receive any broadcasted messages.

Modify Groups

This command brings up the Group Configuration window, from which you can create and edit conversational groups. See Real-Time Chat for a complete discussion of this window.

Set Aliases

From the Set Alias window, you can assign any of Meridian 59's text line commands to the function keys (F-keys) on your keyboard.You may use any text command that you'd otherwise type on the text line: -- rest, stand, tell, yell, wave, etc. The possibilities are listed in Real-Time Chat and the Quick Reference.

If you click to put an X in the Carriage return after command checkbox that follows each command, it will be executed the moment you press the designated F-key. If you leave this box empty, the command won't be executed until after you press Enter.

Guild Configuration

The Guild Configuration window is where you conduct most Guild-related business. This window -- and the Guild system -- are explained in greater detail in Guilds.


The remaining six commands are used to convey emotion to your fellow Meridian citizens. These all take effect the moment you select them from this menu. The last four are facial expressions: notice how they appear on your character's face near the top of the window.

  • Wave -- When you select this, your on-screen character will be seen waving his or her hand.

  • Point -- Select this to point your right arm out to the right side.

  • Happy -- Guaranteed to put a smile on your face.

  • Sad -- A quick way to display displeasure.

  • Neutral -- The all-purpose poker face.

  • Wry -- Makes you look like you know a hilarious joke -- or a really juicy secret.

You can also use these six commands by typing them on the text line at the bottom of the window, and pressing Enter.

The 3DO Company Meridian 59 User's Guide - 19 Aug 1996

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